2022 December


Over 25 years of successful IT experience including software development, system/database administration, Linux system administration, and integration on the server and client side, project development and management, effective leadership and team collaboration with demonstrated strong decision making, communication and problem solving skills.

Experience Includes:

Software Development
Web developer, Web Applications.
Software design
Database design
Software Configuration
Database administration
System Administration ( Linux )
Network security & Authentication systems
TCP/IP Networking
Linux Expert: 17+ years
NAS Design and implementation.
MySQL / Pgsql tuning and optimizing.
LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)
Linux system administrator


PHP Developer Infosys Public Services Inc. Contract | 2021 July – 2022 May

* Implementation of OCDS API, PHP, Laravel, Lumen

* Database structures with Ms-SQL back-end

* Collaborating with Drupal team

* Collaborating with Performance team

* Collaborating with Off shore OCDS team

* Collaborating with CI/CD team

* Testing and validation

* Azure platform configuration

* Developer VM documentation and improvements

* Caching for Nginx

* Unit testing for OCDS API

* Worked with Azure, Windows and Ubuntu Linux

J.N. Consulting inc. (2016-04 – 2020 May ) Lead developer, Lead web developer. Linux expert. Full time permanent.

* QC for development in multitude of projects.

* Development of back-end / CRM for fitness company.

* Revamping and renewing Digital Signage system, upgrading ( firmware ) from 32 bit to 64 bit, and many other features.

* Improvements to digital signage management software, administration and customer facing.

* Providing Escalated tech support for tech’s and customers of the Digital Signage system and other systems that we support.

City of Saskatoon, Linux and LAMP expert ( 2015-02 – 2015-08 ) contract.

* Help city IT personnel to better understand, administer and integrate their new Linux based systems into their existing environment and infrastructure.

University of Calgary, Database & Web Application Developer ( 2007-2013 )

* Designed and implemented the infrastructure necessary for the faculty of Veterinary Medicine to commence their education functionality using Vmware and two large capacity servers and network attached storage devices

* Implemented the virtual environments needed for research, education and business

* Took part in the development and production of their online curriculum system, including streaming multimedia and down-loadable reading material

* Assisted research groups identifying their processing and storage needs, subsequently provided and administered those needs

* Developed animal patient simulator system for faculty and students, administered and maintained the system

Geeks on the way, Development ( 2005 – 2007 )

Geeks on the way, previously The geek patrol, Is,was a small company of around 40-70 employees, They needed a technology integration to accommodate their size and marketplace expansion, All of my work was not public facing in this project.

I integrated their incoming phone call handling software teriskas into their Customer relations management software SugarCRM and

enabled an automated Ip phone integration so the incoming call would bring up the client history on the operators screen when they pick the call up.

Also added the functionality to SugarCRM to propose the nearest tech to the client at the time of the scheduled appointment to reduce the traveling time and cost for the tech.

Built an online payment portal for the techs to use, it would allow the customer to pay for the services and software on-line, and integrated the payment system into SQL-ledger ERP system, so their accounting data would be continually up to date., Web development ( 2004-2005 )

University of Calgary - Instructor for Linux And Open Source Certificate Program

The Hourgroup Inc. - Chief Information Officer ( 2002-2003 )

Wiley-Php5 for Dummies - Tech Editor - ( 2003 Apr-May )

CTC Calgary - Instructor in courses on php, perl (2003 Jul,Nov )

Springer Ltd., Lead developer/project manager ( 2000-2002 )

Worldsites Ltd. - Network manager/Web Developer ( 1999-2000 )


B.Sc. Degree on Computer Programming ( 1997 ) Hungary


Ability Society, Calgary, Computability Teacher/Advisor (2002-Jun 24 )

Calgary PHP Users' Group, Member, Development of group website (2002- )

Calgary LINUX Users' Group, Member (2002- )

Calgary LINUX User's Group V.P. ( 2005 – 2007 )

Calgary LINUX User's Group Treasury (2014 – 2014 Dec. )


web, developer, webmaster, webadmin,cokpit, system administration, team work, software development, lead,self starter, html, jquery, ajax, css, php, xml, dockbook, cvs, svn, git, wincvs, linux, unix, apache,nginx, iis, mysql, pgsql, PostgreSQL, oracle, cms, perl, w3c, http, ftp, https, ssl, vpn, tcp/ip, smtp, pop3, odbc, jsp, netware, lan, wan, aix, solaris, applications, redhat, fedora, centos, mageia, Ubuntu, Manjaro, debian, networking, ufw, wireguard, network administration, NAS, security, dba, Vmware, proxmox, docker,Linux system administraor.